Update commissioned by Markethill District Enterprises Limited
Executive producer: Alison Strong
Program consultancy, design, development and additional research: Dr Adrian Mallon
Project steering group:

Mr Willie Johnston,
Mr Joseph Canning,
Mrs Alison Strong,
Mr Edwin McWilliams,
Mrs Ruth Caddell,
Mrs Betty Stewart,
Mrs Ita Crossan,
Mrs Mary Loughran.

Additional text content: © (copyright) Markethill District Enterprises Limited 2014
Additional software, graphics, design, photos and sound recordings: © (copyright) Adrian Mallon Multimedia, 2014
Project funded by

SOAR (Southern Organisation for Action in Rural Areas)
Markethill District Enterprises Limited.

For recent recordings in particular, thanks go to Betty Stewart, Colin Lowry, Edwin McWilliams, Elaine Cullen & Emma Gribben of SOAR, Frank McWhirter, Hampton Hewitt, James Magowan, Joe Love, Linda McMahon, Mary Loughran, Noel Dalgleish, Richard Dougan, Richard Hunter, Sam Hetherington, Tatjana Nikolajeva, Tommy Wallace and Trevor Dalzell. Joseph Canning contributed an article about the military service of people from the area in WW1 (very topical in the 2014 centenary year) and James Magowan's sister, Rachel, contributed an article on her grandfather, Sir John Hall Magowan of Mountnorris, who also fought in WW1. There are many more contributions, also, for which we're grateful, many by members of the project steering group.

Photo of steering group. Photo of steering group.

Photo of steering group. Photo of steering group.


In the accompanying recording, Elaine Cullen, Craigavon Borough Council Programme Manager for the Southern Organisation for Action in Rural Areas (SOAR) programme, talks about SOAR and rural development project funding.

Photo of Elaine Cullen and Emma Gribben in 2013.

Use the audio controller to listen to this talk, given in September 2013.

Listen also to the recording of Emma Gribben, Armagh City & District Couci Project Officer for SOAR, who also talks about SOAR and the Bygones and Byways project update funding.

Use the audio controller to listen to this talk, given in September 2013.


Program commissioned by Markethill District Enterprises Limited
Executive producer: Audrey Kerr
Program consultancy, design, development and additional research: Dr Adrian Mallon
Historical research: Lesley Campbell
Project working group:

Text content: © (copyright) Markethill District Enterprises Limited 2003
Software, graphics, design, photos and sound recordings: © (copyright) Adrian Mallon Multimedia, 2003
Project funded by

In many respects, this is a ground-breaking project but the most important contribution to its success has been the input from local people and professional experts (often the two sets overlapping). We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the working group named above and also

Mrs Helen Hunter, Markethill District Enterprises Limited,
Dr Roger Strong, Miss Valerie Adams and Dr Gerry Slater of the Public Record Office in Belfast,
Ken Neil, Senior Inspector for Sites and Monuments, the Environment and Heritage Service, Belfast,
Dr Greer Ramsay, Deputy Curator, Armagh County Museum,
Robin Alexander, for permission to use his track on the Bawn CD as our introductory music,
Nora Allen of Markethill,
Miss Sally Clarke of Armaghbrague, Cladymore and Markethill,
Patricia Daly of Magherydogherty and her Harp School,
Fiddle Steeks fiddle orchestra in Markethill,
Jean Clarke and Gosford Friendship Club,
Billy and Rachel Henry of Loughgilly,
the Reverend Kennedy, Church of Ireland rector of Kildarton and Lisnadill,
Rosaleen Kerr of Mullabrack House,
John Lund at Jacquards Textiles, Glenanne,
Dawson Jones and Jenny Maguire of Mullaghbrack, of the Forest Service at Gosford,
Seamus Mallon of Coolmillish, Member of Parliament for Newry and South Armagh,
the Reverend Mattison, Presbyterian minister of Cremore,
Jack McCune of Glasdrummond,
Myrtle McGuinness, Development Officer for Mid-Armagh Community Network
John McGrath of Markethill,
Joey McStay of Mullaghbrack,
Edwin McWilliams, Markethill,
John Mitchell of Ballylane,
Billy Pielow, Armagh,
Sam and Isobel Qua of Mountnorris,
the Reverend Daniel Rankin, minister for Markethill First and Second Presbyterian Churches,
Michael Smallman and Deirdre Wildy, Humanities and Special Collections Librarian, Queen's University Library, Belfast,
Margaret Watson, Markethill,
Ronnie West, secretary of the History Society,
Roisin White who sings "Gosford's Fair Demesne",
John Magowan of Mountnorris,
Primrose Wilson, Marlacoo House, Marlacoo Beg,
Ivan Walker, Chairman of Kilcluney Flute Band,
Killeen Pipe Band,
Pearl Marshall, Ivy Sterritt, Agnes Crozier and Reatha Hassan of Saver & Naver,
Mary McVeigh, Senior Librarian, SELB Irish and Local Studies Library, Armagh,
Carol Conlon, Deputy Keeper, Robinson Library, Armagh,
Ruth Jenkins and P7 pupils of Markethill Primary School,
David Alexander, Glenanne House, Lower Lisdrumchor,
Mavis and Alison Crozier of Drumconwell,
the Reverend Neville Hughes, Mullabrack Church of Ireland,
Gerard McNally, Armagh Computer World, who supplied the touchscreen computer systems,
Brian Bailie of Ballywalter who built the touchscreen cabinets and wall panels,
Edgar Hunter, Corhammock,

Finally, thank you, the members of Markethill and District community who contributed, and continue to contribute, information, old photographs and advice.


Except where otherwise stated, all text information is copyright Markethill District Enterprises Limited 2003, 2014.
Except where otherwise stated, all software, design, graphics, photos and sound recording elements are copyright Adrian Mallon Multimedia 2003, 2014.
The introductory music to the 2003 CD-ROM is copyright Robin Alexander.
Many thanks to the Public Record Office Northern Ireland for permission to reproduce the following which are Crown Copyright:

Thanks to Queen's University Belfast for permission to reproduce the following which are copyright Queen's University Belfast:

Many thanks to Eoin Magennis, secretary, Séanchas Ard Mhacha and to Neil McGleenon for permission to reproduce the following:

Many thanks to the Environment and Heritage Service Northern Ireland for permission to reproduce the following which are Crown Copyright:

Many thanks to Armagh County Museum (National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland) for permission to reproduce the notes and writings of T. G. F. Paterson and to photograph within the museum.